A Superior Attitude
A Lenten Minute Reflection for Thursday, March 5, 2015
by Dcn Bob Bonomi
In today's parable on Lazarus and the rich man, I'm always struck with the rich man's attitude towards Lazarus, even while he's experiencing his hellish torment. He doesn't address Lazarus directly, asking for his help to intercede for him; he knows who Lazarus is but is unapologetic in his previous treatment of him. He still considers Lazarus as little better than a servant and assumes that Abraham does too. He wants Abraham to send Lazarus to help ease his own misery; when that doesn't work he wants to Abraham to send Lazarus to his brothers. He cannot accept Lazarus as his equal.
A Lenten Minute Reflection for Thursday, March 5, 2015
by Dcn Bob Bonomi
In today's parable on Lazarus and the rich man, I'm always struck with the rich man's attitude towards Lazarus, even while he's experiencing his hellish torment. He doesn't address Lazarus directly, asking for his help to intercede for him; he knows who Lazarus is but is unapologetic in his previous treatment of him. He still considers Lazarus as little better than a servant and assumes that Abraham does too. He wants Abraham to send Lazarus to help ease his own misery; when that doesn't work he wants to Abraham to send Lazarus to his brothers. He cannot accept Lazarus as his equal.
Are there those in our life that we encounter on a regular basis and who exist below our radar? Those who are outside of our "circle"? Those we feel "superior" to? We do well to remember that God will hold those who have not in this world closer to him in the next than those who think they have it all and don't need Him.
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