Thursday, March 12, 2015

Do You Believe in Miracles?

Do You Believe in Miracles?
A Lenten Minute Reflection for Thursday, March 12, 2015  
by Dcn Bob Bonomi

Do you believe in miracles? What would it take to convince you that God is alive and working in your life?  In today's Gospel, the crowds were amazed by Jesus' actions with the man who was mute, but despite the spectacular healing that took place, some were quick to assume that it was anything but God involved - even those who believed it was actually an evil power at work!

We, too, see many miracles that occur before our very eyes and yet fail to see the finger of God at work in them.  Especially in the light of the evil that surrounds us, it can be easy to think that we are on our own in facing it and that it is just "luck" or a "coincidence" when something good happens.  But we should never forget that God hasn't forsaken us, and that He is always with us.  If we must take sides in this battle, let us always stand united at the side of Jesus.  Otherwise, we will be scattered among those who are alone and despair.

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