Monday, March 2, 2015

Intangible and Priceless Gifts

Intangible and Priceless Gifts
A Lenten Minute Reflection for Monday, March 2, 2015 
by Dcn Bob Bonomi
Why do we always assume that, whenever we read in the Gospel that we will receive gifts from God, that they must necessarily be related to earthly riches?  If we look closely at the gifts promised by Jesus, we find not material wealth but those intangible and priceless gifts that cannot be purchased by earthly means. Gifts like  Joy (Jn 15:11; 16:24), Peace (Jn 14:27), Courage (Mt 14:27), Everlasting Life (John 11:25-26), Mercy (Lk 1:50; 1 Peter 1:3), Love (Jn 3:16), and Faith (Mk 9:23-24).  These are "gifts" that we cannot purchase because they have already been given to us by God; it is merely for us to "unlock" them through our actions and beliefs.  Through your prayers, fasting and almsgiving this Lent, what gifts are you trying to unlock?

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