You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me. - John 12:8
Who are "the poor" in our lives? Are our efforts to aid them an exercise in futility? In today's Gospel, Jesus is showing his disciples that there is something more important than the sacrifice of surplus material goods needed for helping the poor; it requires a sacrificial heart. Mary knows that Jesus is about to make a much greater sacrifice for the poor and downtrodden than a liter of perfumed oil or a few coins - he is about to give his heart - his life - for them. And her anointing his body now anticipates the sudden, violent nature of his pending death. But it is this very end to which Jesus has been on a journey to. His crucifixion will be a gift of love through pure sacrifice.
As we approach the end of our own Lenten journey, each one of us should pause and reflect on the sacrifices, if any, that we have made during the last 40 days and ask ourselves: have these days made a difference in my life or in the lives of others? If not, what should I have been doing? It's not too late. If you are having trouble facing the poor, dive deeper into the Triduum services and open your heart to Jesus. He is waiting for you at the end of the journey.
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