Friday, February 27, 2015

High Standards of Virtue

High Standards of Virtue
A Lenten Minute Reflection for Friday, Feb. 27th, 2015
by Dcn Bob Bonomi

How often do we think that there are evils done by others so great that even God cannot possibly forgive them, or that He won't forgive us for the evils we have done?  We'd be wrong in both cases.  As Ezekiel points out, as long as we still breathe it is never too late for anyone to do the right thing. If we repent - change our ways - and follow the path laid out for us by Jesus, then we will preserve our eternal life.  No matter the evils in our past.

The challenge for us, if we are trying to live a virtuous life, is to not slip up and return evil for evil.  We must always believe in the infinite mercy of God toward others - and to us.  If we fail to accept that God forgives others, then we risk judging and condemning them - a sense of self-righteousness where we reject God and make ourselves into gods.  Or, if we fail to accept that God forgives us, then we reject God's grace which we need in order to overcome our own failings.

Jesus sets high standards for us to follow.  But if we accept God's grace and mercy and let ourselves be guided by His Holy Spirit, then we'll find that living that virtuous life isn't as difficult as it seems.  Lent is the perfect time for us to embrace that grace.

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