Saturday, February 21, 2015


A Lenten Minute Reflection for Sunday, Feb. 22nd, 2015
by Dcn Bob Bonomi

In today's Gospel from St. Mark, Jesus' encounter with Satan does not possess all of the details that are found in St. Luke's or St. Matthew's versions; he merely states that Jesus was "tempted by Satan." Yet we know that Jesus resisted those temptations, and so can we.

Far to often we think we're guilty of sin just because we have been tempted, but it isn't the temptation that causes us to sin, it is our response to it.  And if we acknowledge and note each time we face a temptation to sin, we can turn to God for help in resisting it.  So, this week take time each evening to identify the temptations that you've faced that day, and then bring them to God for help in resisting them in the future.

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